Published On: August 16th, 2015|

The Las Vegas Review Journal – Staff Writer

“As students prepare to head back to school each year, parents face the same question: How can they help their kids advance in school, develop into creative, collaborative thinkers, and make for an overall less stressful experience? What’s more, as students progress in school, the subjects that present the most challenges – science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) – are the key areas where students need to excel in order to prepare them for success throughout their school years and eventually their professional lives. In fact, a new survey commissioned by Post-it Brand surveying 1,000 American parents with children ages 13 to 18, conducted in July 2015, revealed that parents believe math and science are the subjects that will prepare students the most for the job market, yet parents admit they are not as prepared as they could be to provide crucial after-school help.”(more)