Experience: I speak more than 50 languages

A polyglot shares the lessons he's learned from learning multiple languages

Covid: Young child development worrying, says Ofsted boss

Young children's development, following the pandemic, has been "particularly worrying", the chief inspector of Ofsted has said.

Why aren’t more girls in the UK choosing to study computing and technology?

Getting women into tech careers has never been more important, but teachers believe old-fashioned stereotypes about subjects such as design and technology and computer science put girls off choosing them at school.

Studying maths beyond GCSEs helps brain development, say scientists

Students who drop math at the age of 16 have lower amounts of a brain chemical that is critical for brain and cognitive development, compared with those who continue math, a study has found.

‘Let children play’: the educational message from across Europe

Free play and outdoor play has long been valued in Finland, but now more countries are seeing the benefits of letting children have more time to play

Giving kids a break is the best way for them to ‘catch up’ after a year of disruption

Studies have shown that promoting wellbeing through play goes a long way to boost academic outcomes in school children

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