Published On: December 24th, 2015|

Change the Equation – Staff Writer

“It’s just about that time — the hooves on the roofs all across the world will be announcing the arrival of that jolly old elf, St. Nick. And thanks to technology, the military, and a little magic, anxious youngsters no longer need to wait anxiously, wondering when Santa will arrive. In fact, NORAD’s Santa Tracker is in its 60th year this year, and with tracking apps available, you need wonder no more. But just how does it work? NORAD (which stands for North American Aerospace Defense Command) uses radar and the heat from Rudolph’s nose to track Santa as he circles the globe. On a regular day, the professionals at NORAD use radar to track and monitor possible threats to the U.S., but on Christmas Eve, the technology is used to track Santa. But how does radar work? “(more)