Published On: March 29th, 2015|

Fox News 8 – Maria Scali

“The dinner table doesn’t have to be a battlefield over who’s going to win the ‘veggie fight’ — you or your child. As we find out in today’s Your Child’s Health report, parents should forget the pressure approach and have a little patience and some creativity. Shaun Cummings is like most moms who would like her child to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. But, two-year-old Eve is like many youngsters. “She’s a picky eater. She’ll eat the basic things like corn. She doesn’t eat broccoli. She doesn’t eat peas. Every once in a while she’ll eat string beans,” Cummings said. Janet Kramer, Clinical Dietician with University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital says it is best for a child’s overall health to eat a variety of vegetables. Parents should forget the pressure approach and take the family approach. “Whether you’re talking about picky eaters, or getting kids to eat vegetables — the most important thing — is to be a good role model. Set the example, eat the vegetables yourself,” Kramer said.”(more)