Published On: June 18th, 2016|

The Huffington Post – Bahar Gholipour

“Here’s your new study routine: Hit the books. Wait a little while. Then, hit the gym. New research suggests that physical exercise can help people retain information if it happens at the right time — namely, a few hours after you learn the info, when new memories are getting stabilized in your brain. The study’s authors, who include researchers from Scotland’s University of Edinburgh and the Netherlands’ Radboud University, divided 72 people into groups and then had them all complete a memory task. Immediately afterward, one group of participants were asked to exercise on spinning bikes for half an hour. Another group were asked to wait four hours and then exercise. A third group weren’t asked to exercise at all. Two days later, the participants returned to the lab for a follow-up memory test. The people who’d waited four hours and then exercised performed about 10 percent better on this new test than people in the other groups.”(more)