Published On: January 21st, 2016|

Business Because – Seb Murray

“Ask anyone working at a business school what makes it unique and you’ll get a spiel about global diversity. Yet companies are desperate for graduates who have honed multiple languages and cultural norms…Amber Wigmore Álvarez, executive director of career services at Spain’s IE Business School, says that multinational businesses are continuously breaking free from physical geographies and defined markets. “For this reason, companies frequently demand bilingualism or multilingualism for key roles and promotion within a company,” she says…A survey of 419 US employers by the University of Phoenix Research Institute found that 70% expect Spanish language skills to be in high demand over the next decade; 42% cited Chinese. Being able to speak Mandarin Chinese is a clear advantage at CEIBS in Shanghai, says Yvonne Li, director of MBA career services. She says: “With the growing integration of the global economy, employers — especially those with reach — need talented individuals who can work in a multicultural environment and lead multicultural teams.””(more)