Published On: March 26th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Kiran Bir Sethi

“In a time of rapid change, educators worldwide are faced with the challenge of preparing children to handle unprecedented levels of stress and uncertainty. There is an unwelcome side effect of current practices in education being content-heavy and largely oriented towards academic achievement and success. We are in danger of cultivating in children a sense of helplessness and apathy when it comes to taking ownership for and tackling the challenges faced by the world today…To turn this story around, Design for Change was born out of the conviction that children are not helpless. The natural youthful optimism they feel; that change is possible and the belief that they can drive it, should be cultivated rather than discouraged. Through a simple four-step design process of “Feel-Imagine-Do-Share,” we asked children to take practical steps to identify and transform anything that bothered them in their community — shifting their mindset from ‘Can I?’ to ‘I Can!'”(more)