Published On: January 21st, 2016|

The Huffington Post – Shira Hirschman Weiss

“”So,” I ask casually at a school meeting, “Will the kids be getting recess back next year?” “Please God, NO!” says one of the principals at my son’s junior high, “We’re very happy with no recess in 7th and 8th grades. The incidence of H.I.B. is LOW. Kids aren’t getting into trouble. I’m not getting calls about kids being mean, about texting and even sexting. Also, we just started giving recess back to those grades on Fridays and that’s when I get the most complaints. I am happy to report that we have informative, exciting and hands-on seminars that keep them busy and engaged. They are so busy, in fact, they don’t need recess. Studies show….” My mind wanders at this point because I know that she has dug up the studies that show cutting out recess keeps kids out of trouble, but I also know that my son’s friends have called the seminars “B.S.” and that new studies seemingly crop up daily on the advantages of recess: a sharper mind during class, better academic performance and physical fitness (One might argue that there is Gym, but freer play actually encourages more running around and gym may not be enough). Common sense (along with the research) tells me that kids need to take breaks just as adults do. They also need time to socialize.”(more)