Published On: October 24th, 2015|

The Guardian – Daniel J Levitin

“Information is being created and disseminated faster than any of us can absorb it. Google estimates that humans have created more information in the past five years than in all of human history – 300 exabytes of information (300,000,000,000,000,000,000) to be precise. If all that information were written on 3×5 index cards, your personal share of it would wrap around the earth twice. The pile of cards would reach to the moon three times. Social media, emails, texts, WhatsApp messsages and phone calls take up an increasing amount of time. Our to-do lists are so full that we can’t hope to complete every item on them. So what do we do? We multitask, juggling several things at once, trying to keep up by keeping busy.”(more)