Published On: March 5th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Alanna McGinn

“I’ll often hear from parents “family was visiting so bedtime was late” or “we can’t miss our daily programs so it’s hard to fit in naps.” I’m not completely unrealistic and I get that life goes on and we can’t always protect our sleep or our children’s sleep 100 per cent. Bedtimes are going to be late and naps are going to be missed every now and then, and that’s okay. When it’s continually happening though we are now taking sleep, one of the three pillars of health for granted. We are now treating this biological need as a luxury, one that can be missed and mistreated. What we need to understand is that sleep needs to be treated as a priority, and without it we can’t properly protect the other two pillars, nutrition and exercise.”(more)