Published On: July 2nd, 2016|

Education News – Kristin Decarr

“An international group of experts who studied the value of exercise in school-age children are suggesting that in order to do better in school, children need to get out and exercise first. The new consensus statement published earlier in the week in the British Journal of Sports Medicine states that academic achievement in children and youth is supported by physical exercise before, during and after school. In addition, it says that exercise and fitness “are beneficial to brain structure, brain function and cognition.” The group consists of 24 researchers from the United States, Canada, and Europe, who all met last year at the Copenhagen Consensus Conference held in Snekkersten, Denmark to look at the latest scientific and medical research on the benefits of exercise for children between the ages of 6 and 18. All types of exercise were included in the study, including recess and physical education classes, organized youth sports and outdoor play time, writes Karen Kaplan for The Los Angeles Times.”(more)