Published On: March 11th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Alena Hall

“The very same technological innovations that chain us to our office desks have lured our youngest generation indoors. Instead of physically exploring the world around them, many children spend their free time staring at glowing screens. This sedentary behavior is one of the reasons why 12.7 million kids and adolescents in the United States are struggling with obesity today. However, one fitness education program is proving that just because you’d rather be tuned in to the television or computer doesn’t mean you can’t be moving while you watch. Adventure to Fitness, a video-based fitness program that launched in 2010, uses the appeal of technology to its advantage in relating to American youth. The program’s 30-minute videos reach kids on their level. The videos get kids active as they navigate through historical periods and geographical scenes, all while learning about nutrition, daily exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits.”(more)