Published On: September 4th, 2015|

Pop Sugar – Vivian Nunez

“My nephew turned 8 years old last week, and I treated him to a day of his favorite things. We visited the Museum of Natural History, spent too much money at the gift store, and then made our way to Barnes & Noble. As we walked, I brought up school. He’s going to be entering the third grade and has favorite subjects already — writing, math, recess. I mentioned Spanish. It’s been a point of debate between him and I since he was about 5 or 6. I’d bring up learning Spanish, and he would spew out the words Diego from Dora the Explorer had taught him, doubling his volume every time I would correct him. His indifference is in part because he’s little and in part because he doesn’t really see the point in having to learn it. He speaks to everyone in his everyday life in English — whether he’s at home, at school, or at the playground.”(more)