Published On: January 8th, 2016|

Fortune – Anne Fisher

“When management consultants TalentQ, a unit of the Hay Group, asked hundreds of hiring managers last year what skills they were having trouble finding in job candidates, 80% said they couldn’t find enough potential hires with strong “soft” skills, like speaking and writing clearly, listening well, collaborating with other people, and even just showing up on time. Moreover, the study found, even more of those managers (90%) said that recruiting enough entry-level employees with good soft skills “will become increasingly important as globalization speeds up.” The scarcity of soft skills is most severe among new college grads, according to this survey (and many others). “Millennials and Gen Zers spend so much time online that they often lack basic interpersonal skills, like shaking hands and looking someone in the eye,” says Rick Gillis, a longtime career expert and author of several books about job hunting.”(more)