Published On: June 2nd, 2015|

The Model Media – Gregory Ioanidis

“As the owner and operator of the electric transmission system in Michigan, my company ITC relies on graduates of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs to innovate and maintain the reliability and efficiency of the electrical grid. But we are not the only company looking for technically trained employees. Recent studies have shown that there will be 274,000 STEM jobs in Michigan by 2018, 92 percent of which will require some secondary education or training beyond a high school degree. What is alarming, when looking at this research, is that 69 percent of our high school graduates are not prepared for college-level science courses. In order to keep good, high-paying jobs in our region, we need to improve on these numbers. By focusing on STEM-related topics in schools, we can maintain southeast Michigan’s reputation as an innovative and desirable location for companies looking to expand.”(more)