Published On: July 25th, 2015|

Oregon Live – Laura Frazier

“The Milwaukie school is home to Schoolyard Farm’s pilot educational farm, one of hundreds of school gardens sprouting across the state. The acre-sized garden fuels the school’s cafeteria and surrounding community and acts as an outdoor classroom. This summer, the farm is a hub for camps teaching kids more about where food comes from. Schoolyard Farm’s weeklong camps cover farming, food preparation and ecology. About 10 students in grades one to six spent this week filling out workbooks, playing games and making healthy snacks. “I like that we get to make our own food,” said Ava Schreffler, 9. “Instead of having to go to the store, you can go out to the backyard and harvest.” The farm gives students an opportunity to connect with nature, said Brooke Hieserich, who runs Schoolyard Farm’s educational programs. For example, children take tours of the farm, pick a plant to nurture or build a terrarium.”(more)