Published On: January 16th, 2017|

News 1130 – Renee Bernard and John Streit

“We’re hearing a lot about digital literacy these days, especially as fake news is finding an audience. A local researcher says just because your kids know how to use a smartphone, doesn’t mean they’re digitally literate. Ron Darvin, a UBC PhD student in the faculty of education, says in this era of massive amounts of online information, our kids are going to need to learn to discern between what’s true and what’s not. And that kind of education should start sooner rather than later. “The moment kids use these devices, it’s very important for us to understand that while they can use social media and play games, there’s more to technology than entertainment.” He suggests kids in school be taught how Google generates its search-engine lists, and how to identify the most credible sources of information.”(more)