Published On: October 30th, 2015|

Coast Reporter – Paul Martiquet

“Are your preschoolers physically active? Do they run around using up their energy in active play? Or does your preschooler sit in front of a screen more than he or she should? It may seem a bit much for us to be pointing this out so early in a child’s life, but the truth is, habits established at a young age are more likely to stick as the child grows up. So yes, making sure your preschooler is active really does matter…Research shows that children of this age should have at least two hours of physical activity every day. Of this, 60 minutes should be structured play and the balance unstructured activity. Unfortunately, cutting into this crucial development time is increased time in front of screens including television, computers, smartphones and tablets. Can we wonder why obesity is more of a problem earlier than ever?”(more)