Published On: July 25th, 2015|

The Atlanta Journal Constitution – Maureen Downey

“Recently, the AJC published a news article that conveyed the impression charter schools in Georgia were, on the whole, performing no better, and even worse in many cases, than traditional public schools. As the late columnist Paul Harvey used to say—“And now, for the rest of the story” The method used by the AJC to compare the two types of public schools was flawed. The author simply compared the standardized test scores of the two segments on Georgia’s tests, and found “charters are about on par with traditional public schools.” The author felt the sole criteria for judging the success or failure of charters was their test scores for a year, without regard for how long students had attended the charter school, how far behind the student may have been when they left a traditional school and the funding inequities that exist.”(more)