Published On: November 6th, 2015|

The Bowdoin Orient – Ben York

“Most people don’t like math. While this may not be so true of the Bowdoin populace (the population of Searles at any given time should attest to the inaccuracy of “most” in the case of Bowdoin), it is certainly true of the general public. There is a stigma that surrounds mathematics, a perception of math as an esoteric subject only the odd enjoy. Some might have found high school geometry pleasing, others may have enjoyed algebra, and some may say that they at least found calculus interesting, if not enjoyable. However, the vast majority of students can attest to having found at least one math class insufferable. “I hate math” is not an uncommon phrase in a math class. Why is this? What part of mathematics is so intolerable that it can evoke such wrath, from children and adults alike? I believe the flaw lies not with mathematics itself, but in the way it is presented.”(more)