Published On: December 20th, 2015|

Time – Belinda Luscombe

“Only about one in two American moms is impressed with her own child-rearing skills. And fewer than four in 10 American dads. Millennial moms, on the other hand, are pretty darn confident they’ve got this parenting thing nailed, according to a new survey from Pew Research Center. A full 57% of moms aged 18 to 30 tell Pew they think they are doing “a very good job” at raising their kids. Only 48% of Gen X moms and a mere 41% of poor old Boomers say the same. Meanwhile, although just 43% of Millennial dads believe they have excellent parenting game, that’s a notch more than Boomer fathers (42%) and considerably more than Gen X dads (37%).”(more)