Published On: July 19th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Julie Hansen

“Twenty years ago, none of us could have accurately predicted what life would look like in 2015. And while we don’t have crystal balls now, we do know that Canada’s workforce over the next 20 years will be increasingly shaped by science and technology. Today’s kids will see tremendous career opportunities thanks to the rapid growth of the technology sector and the emergence of the digital era — as long as they have the right training in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). The problem: we’re simply not equipping our youth with the right skills, knowledge, interest and confidence they’ll need to take the wheel to drive our future economy. Research by science outreach charity, Let’s Talk Science, found that fewer than half of Canadian high school students graduate with senior STEM courses. This is a sobering statistic given that of the 10 highest-paying jobs in Canada, seven are found in STEM industries.”(more)