Published On: September 17th, 2015|

Chicago Tribune – John Carpenter

“Everyone knows this picture: Parent or babysitter sits in a coffee shop staring at a smartphone, while a baby sits gurgling in a stroller. Those who’ve been in those trenches are perhaps less likely to judge, knowing that the space between joyful bursts of smiling baby talk includes vast, numbing stretches of infant-parenting boredom. But experts say there’s a deeper problem brewing. “It’s a huge issue,” said Dana Suskind, an author and associate professor of pediatric surgery at the University of Chicago, referring to device-distracted parents. “Language in those first few years of life is the food for the developing brain.” Suskind and others worry that parents and caregivers, too distracted by their smartphones and other devices, aren’t talking to babies enough. And researchers say talking is critical, activating little brains and filling their gurgling heads with words they’ll figure out more quickly than babies who sit in silence.”(more)