Published On: June 18th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Allison Underhill & Brianna Susnak

“Earlier this month, the Indiana Department of Education proposed new diploma guidelines that would be implemented for the 2018-2019 school year…world language classes would fall under the electives category, meaning they would be merely “suggested” for college-bound students…it seems rather alarming how easily the Indiana Department of Education is dismissing world language as a dispensable part of a holistic educational experience…World language classes teach more than the fundamentals…By learning the culture and history that can shape a language, students are able to become worldlier…it’s safe to say that there are many benefits to learning and knowing a second language in today’s working world. Just being able to list a second language on your resume can be enough to set you apart from other applicants similar to you. Over 60 million people in the United States speak a language other than English at home; just knowing the basics of a second language can help significantly in today’s job market.”(more)