Published On: January 11th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Reve Mehta

“As China, India and the East continue to pump out math prodigies from an early age, the U.S. children continue to lag further and further behind. According to PISA results, the U.S. math world ranking has dropped again from 25th in 2011 to 31st in 2012. I believe this still might be generous for many of our U.S. kids. This past year, I was guest teaching math and science across all K-12 grade levels, and many of the high school students still didn’t have a solid handle on long division which is typically taught in fourth grade. I later found this to be endemic in many of our schools and kids across the country. Yet, the Asian countries do not teach math that differently than we do in the U.S., and the content for math is practically the same across the world. So how are the Asian countries so much further ahead of us?.”(more)