Published On: January 28th, 2015|

Chicago Now – Aimee Thompson

“…it seems like the world keeps getting smaller, and the impact we, as individuals, can have on it, keeps getting bigger…I know that we just can’t expect our children to barrel down and across our interconnected world. They need to absorb it. They need to experience it. They need to appreciate it. They need to understand it. And, they need to embrace it. And, to do so, they need to become “world citizens” – something they can do with the help of their parents, their teachers, their friends, their family, and members of their communities. But, what exactly is a “world citizen?” To me, a “world citizen” is someone who has a firm grasp of the breadth, depth and true diversity of the world around them, and strives to seize any and all available opportunities to make a true impact on the global community…No matter if you travel the world or have never boarded an airplane, there are so many simple, easily accessible and completely doable ways to learn about diverse people, places and cultures; speak multiple languages (or just learn a few phrases); support and come to the aid of those in need; and feel comfortable with, and confident in, your place in the world. And, proudly be a “world citizen.””(more)