Published On: May 7th, 2015|

Tyler Morning Telegraph – Staff Writer

“Most of us know that kids are supposed to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. And one hour spent being active sounds like a pretty easy goal, doesn’t it? But as kids get older, increasing demands on their time can make getting that hour of exercise a challenge. Also, some kids get caught up in sedentary pursuits like watching TV, playing video games and surfing the Internet. Even doing a lot of studying and reading, while important, can add to a lack of physical activity…Kids can be fit even if they’re not winning sports trophies. The key is finding activities they enjoy. The options are many — from inline skating and bike riding to tennis and swimming. When kids find an activity that’s fun, they’ll do it a lot, get better at it, feel accomplished and want to do it even more.”(more)