Published On: November 10th, 2015|

Forbes – Gosia Glinska

“A year ago, Nick Anglin was a jaded 6th grader who, as he put it, “hated school and rarely paid attention or did homework.” He punctuated the hours of boredom by cracking jokes and making his classmates laugh. Then, something extraordinary happened. Anglin went to a summer Maker Corps camp at the Sutherland Middle School in Charlottesville, Virginia, where his teachers Robert Munsey and Eric Bredder encouraged him to follow his curiosity and passion. As Anglin recently recalled, “They challenged us from day one: ‘Create a project related to something you love, incorporate some type of technology and possibly start a business around it.’” An avid baseball fan, Anglin set out to help Little League players perfect their pitch. By the end of the summer he had invented Strikey Sensors, a training device that uses laser sensors to tell a pitcher if he has thrown a ball or a strike. Anglin is in the process of patenting his technology and is building a startup around it, which he heads as the 13-year-old CEO.”(more)