Published On: June 21st, 2015|

USA Today – Michelle Tak

“Catalan and her family immigrated to the United States from Mexico when she was a toddler. Since they entered the U.S. illegally, Catalan and her family worked humble jobs. Catalan would work on the weekends and on the weekdays before school. Her mother worked multiple jobs as a housekeeper and field worker. Her father worked in the vineyards, but would be absent for stretches of time. “My dad was an alcoholic, so he was always in and out of the household,” Catalan says. Her mother, Catalan says, was the driving force behind her success. “My mom has always held down several jobs to take care of the family,” Catalan says. “She loved us and she cared for us and she always told us that we needed an education and to continue to work hard.” Although Catalan drew strength from her mother, she found stability at school. She could always count on having a meal and the resources she would need to finish her homework. She never missed a day..”(more)