Published On: April 23rd, 2015|

Tyler Morning Telegraph – Christi Khalaf

“Early Childhood Education is one of the major issues at the forefront of conversations happening all over the United States and Texas, inside and outside the walls of Congress and even around the dinner table in our local community. The research is clear — quality early childhood education makes a lifelong difference. “Early childhood” is typically referred to as the earliest years of a child’s life between the ages of 0 to 5, before the age of traditional schooling beginning at kindergarten. Did you know that 90 percent of brain development occurs during years 0 to 5? This is when the foundation for learning is built and when children begin to develop cognitive, social, emotional and language skills…With high-quality early learning programs, children enter Kindergarten ready to learn. Children who are Kindergarten ready have a far greater chance at being a proficient reader by the third grade, a proven leading indicator for the success rate of students in high school and beyond.”(more)