Published On: March 23rd, 2015|

The U.S. News – Robert Pondiscio

“Pop quiz! Try to answer the following questions without Googling: What is one right or freedom named in the First Amendment? We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years? Who is the governor of your state? Easy, right? Here’s a tougher one: How much confidence do you have in your fellow citizens as voters and participants in our democracy who can not answer these questions? These are among the 100 questions about history, civics and government on the U.S. citizenship test, which immigrants must pass as part of the naturalization process. It’s not a particularly challenging exam. Would-be citizens are asked up to ten of the questions; a mere six correct is a passing score. In January, Arizona and North Dakota became the first two states to mandate passing this test as a high school graduation requirement; South Dakota and Utah have followed suit this month. Similar bills have been introduced in more than a dozen other states.”(more)