Published On: February 6th, 2015|

NPR – Maanvi Singh

“College is in many ways a time to learn life skills. But students often get so bogged down building up their resumes and studying for that Rocket Science 101 midterm that they’ve got no time left for the basics — like cooking. “I’ve had a student say to me, ‘I don’t even know how to fry an egg,’ ” says Eric Montell, who runs the dining program at Stanford University. “You know, they have such a rich academic program here at Stanford. But students sometimes forget the practical part of, ‘Wait a minute. I’m going to graduate and I’m going to have to cook for myself.'” All that may change soon. Last month, with the help of celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, the university launched the Teaching Kitchen @ Stanford, a program designed to teach students the basics of choosing groceries, cooking and eating healthfully. The goal is to help young people with limited time and limited budgets maintain healthful diets — both while they’re at school, and after they graduate, Montell says.”(more)