Published On: December 4th, 2015|

The CTV News – Sheryl Ubelacker

“They’re among the questions often asked by parents anxious about the time children and teens spend glued to digital gadgets — from TV and computers to smart phones and tablets: How much screen time is too much? And is living so much in the virtual world harmful to kids’ development and health? The answer, say experts, is “it depends.” And that caveat starts with the child’s age, says Matthew Johnson, director of education at Media Smarts, a Canadian organization that promotes digital and media literacy. “The greatest concern is with very young children, so infants and toddlers,” says Johnson. “Of course, they find it very absorbing. But it doesn’t stimulate them in the same way … And when it comes to this age group, there’s no evidence that media can have any educational benefit.” The Canadian Paediatric Society and American Academy of Pediatrics both advise against any screen time for children under two, although the AAP is reviewing its guidelines, which will be updated in 2016.”(more)