Published On: November 7th, 2015|

NPR – Chris Arnold

“Many American parents face a tug of war over trying to save enough for retirement and saving for college. Some, like Lisa Carey, a 44-year-old high school history teacher in Tampa, Fla., and her husband, Peter, a minister, haven’t yet started saving for their three kids’ college education. (Carey joined NPR’s Your Money and Your Life Facebook group. If you’re on Facebook, you can join the group, too.) “I find it a struggle to save really much at all. I think we’re doing decently well with retirement because I have a 403(b) through the school, and I’m good about contributing the maximum that they will match but we haven’t started saving for our kids’ college education, which sounds terrible,” she says. But Carey is doing something right. If your employer offers to match money you put into your retirement plan, do that above all else.”(more)