Published On: December 22nd, 2015|

The Hechinger Report – Dane Linn

“Everywhere one looks these days, there are fresh stories about U.S. businesses struggling to find employees with the right skills to fill their job openings. From high-tech manufacturing to health care, employers are short of qualified candidates – even while many Americans are desperately seeking work. This “skills gap” has become a dominant topic of conversation in the education and business worlds – and it is the top issue I deal with at Business Roundtable. About a year ago, Business Roundtable partnered with Change the Equation to ask CEOs just how big a problem the skills gap actually is, based on the principle that it is always helpful to have numbers to make the case for policy change, to help inform our efforts. Despite the broad coverage of the issue, and despite its importance to many CEOs, we were still surprised by the results.”(more)