Learn Local, Think Global

Global education can start in kindergarten, or even earlier, with the introduction of words from different languages, appreciation of international foods and customs, and understanding of different belief systems.

Testing Backlash Could Hurt American Global Competitiveness

U.S. college admissions plan to go test-optional and K-12 standardized testing is coming under increased pressure, but will this hurt America's global competitiveness?

Duolingo Releases Global Language Report

Duolingo’s first-ever Global Language Report was released at the end of 2020, showcasing language learning patterns, trends and analyses around the world.

Nearly Half Of World’s Children Out Of School Due To Coronavirus

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 860 million children worldwide are staying home from schools.

Global student slump: More money hasn’t helped. What will?

Improving student achievement is a complicated problem, but countries often apply a simple solution: money. With little progress being made despite more spending, what other options should be explored?

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