Frequently using digital devices to soothe young children may backfire

Frequent use of devices like smartphones and tablets to calm upset children ages 3-5 was associated with increased emotional dysregulation in kids, particularly in boys.

Teachers detail digital safety concerns, strategies in elementary schools

A new study led by a North Carolina State University researcher reveals a need for consistent education about digital safety for elementary school students, school staff and parents

Despite digital transitions, handwriting maintains classroom benefits

With the advent of computer technology, penmanship and handwriting may feel obsolete. But the physical act of moving a pen or pencil to capture thoughts doesn’t just ink ideas down on paper — it may also help ink ideas into our memory while boosting other abilities.

Align the Digital Classroom with Student Needs and Learning Goals

As one-to-one device models have become commonplace, defining and implementing the right digital guardrails at the right times can lead to more effective and engaging lessons.

Untether Tech in the Modern K–12 Environment

Schools are prioritizing educational technology tools that are mobile and flexible, allowing teaching and learning to happen in and outside of the classroom

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