Quality early education key to lifting numeracy standards

New research, which shows students are unable to do simple addition or read basic words when they start kindergarten, highlights just how important quality early learning is.

To succeed in an AI world, students must learn the human traits of writing

Our children should no longer be taught formulaic writing. Writing education should encompass skills that go beyond the capacities of artificial intelligence.

Back to school: how to help your teen get enough sleep

With school closures across 2020, teenagers used mobile phones even more frequently than before. But their use has an effect on their sleep.

We live in an age of ‘fake news’. But Australian children are not learning enough about media literacy

Young people report consuming news makes them feel smart. But many say they pay little attention to the source of the information they are getting.

If you’re preparing students for 21st century jobs, you’re behind the times

There is a significant gap between teenagers' career knowledge and choices, and the reality of the rapidly changing nature of work.

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