Published On: January 7th, 2016|

Asia Society – Heather Singmaster

“Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a promising way to prepare U.S. students for the increasing number of careers requiring global competency, according to a new report by Asia Society entitled Preparing a Globally Competent Workforce through High-Quality Career and Technical Education. CTE programs aim to ready students for careers and are responsive to industry needs. These programs encompass automotive technology, agriculture, and construction, but also extend to digital media, advanced manufacturing, global logistics, STEM and others. “Globally minded CTE programs can provide the rigorous and authentic setting necessary to prepare students for the competitive world economy…The report…offers insight into how educators can integrate global competency into their CTE classrooms, including embedding global competencies into lesson plans, establishing international partnerships, and incorporating world language study as part of a student’s program of study.”(more)