Published On: August 24th, 2015|

The Arizona Daily Star – Johanna Willett

“Once upon a time, there was a woman who loved children’s books. In fact, Mary Jan Bancroft loved books so much, she wanted to make sure all the kids in Tucson could, too. Seventeen years ago, Bancroft, 61, made a way for babies, toddlers and young children to get their hands on stories before reaching kindergarten — even if they or their preschool have limited access to quality books. The nonprofit organization she founded, Make Way for Books, provides early literacy resources to children, families and educators, especially in low-income areas. Kids who don’t have any sort of educational experience before starting kindergarten often start school behind and have difficulty catching up, says Make Way for Books executive director Jenny Volpe. Children living in poverty are notably at risk of lacking literacy resources.”(more)