Published On: September 24th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Carolyn Gregoire

“Many modern parents have a love-hate relationship with the iPad. The device can be great to keep a child occupied and some interactive games may carry educational benefits — but what do we really know about how tablets affects babies’ developing brains? The short answer is that we know very little…Most recently, two leading developmental psychologists faced off on the subject, with U.K. early childhood expert Dr. Richard House arguing that iPads can be risky for babies’ development and should be avoided at all costs…On the other hand, University of London cognitive scientist Dr. Annette Karmiloff-Smith argued in her own Nursery World op-ed that tablets are healthy and educational for babies. Karmiloff-Smith’s research recently found that tablets helped toddlers’ number recognition, and she concluded that screen use seemed to pose no dangers even for newborns.”(more)