Published On: June 28th, 2012|

ChildUp – John ChildUp

“Now that summer is here, parents have had an opportunity to see how well or poorly their children did on report cards. If the grades were less than stellar, parents will pronounce, “That’s it, you’re grounded for the summer!” It soon emerges that when a kid is grounded for summer; it is the parent who is serving the time. No TV, no going out, no phone calls; try monitoring solitary confinement and going to work simultaneously. It’s just not a workable punishment. Also restricting a child for the summer does little to help the student with the habits they are lacking. Many young people bank on the fact their parents will be so exhausted by June mom or dad will not have a lot of energy left in them to direct the child toward study. Could be, who knows but the smarter parents will look at summer as a chance to get in the missing assignments whether they are for credit or not.” (more)