Published On: February 4th, 2016|

Education Week – Krissy Truesdale

“A critical part of global competence is taking action to tackle global issues. At age 16, Krissy Truesdale became the founder and CEO of Solar for Our Superheroes, a nonprofit organization that gives solar panels to local heroes: firefighters, teachers, and veterans, to name a few. Here, in her own words, is what inspired her…”Just as I was born an American citizen, I was also born a global citizen. This was not by preference, choice, or design; it’s simply fact. In an increasingly globalized world, we are all global citizens. Some eagerly embrace their role and responsibility within this increasingly connected environment, while others prefer to never acknowledge it fully, content to live in their own domestic bubbles…How can we cultivate effective global citizens? We need to foster two key components of global citizenship: a desire to learn more about and empathize with others, and the aspiration to take action on global issues…Educators must help our youth understand the connections between ourselves, our interactions, and the troubles that plague our communities, nations, and the planet.””(more)