Published On: December 26th, 2014|

Smart Blog on Education – Naphtali Hoff

“In the past few decades, we have become much better at understanding the needs of our low-achieving students and meeting those needs…However, there is another population within our schools that I worry about, in some ways more than the low achievers…The group that I refer to is our gifted-education children, the high-performers in our classroom that can handle more — much more — than we typically offer…we do our children a grave disservice by placing them all together and setting a singular standard for everyone. Fairness, I tell them, is all about giving each child what she needs to actualize her potential…If we are to take the next step in the differentiated revolution, a movement that sees each child as being capable of learning and deserving of focused instruction that meets their individual needs, then we need to not forget about our most capable students, the ones who for so long have not been able to experience the kind of robust learning program that will help them realize their enormous potential.”(more)